Q4 2013 Physical and Financial Fitness Challenge!

Q4 2013 Physical and Financial Fitness Challenge!
October 1 – December 29, 2013 (wrap-up Dec. 30-31)

90-day challenge to promote physical and financial fitness and set you up for a fantastic New Year! Why wait until January 1st to start working towards your goals? 3 months is just enough time to begin to see positive changes that I hope you will continue to build on in 2014 and beyond.

1. Join the group dedicated to this challenge! https://www.facebook.com/groups/389938534469275/

(If you have friends who are not on FB but would like to join, tell them to send an e-mail to nobodybeatstheliz@gmail.com with “Q4 Challenge” in the subject line)

2. Set 3 fitness and/or 3 financial goals to work towards during this challenge. This can be whatever you want! If you want to incorporate “cheats,” you can do that – these are YOUR rules!

3. Use the group page to share your progress, tips, recipes, ask questions… INTERACT! Feel free to share any links or photos you feel would help motivate the group, as well as information regarding any fitness classes or financial workshops/events. Please be aware that I reserve the right to delete any post that I feel constitutes spam.

4. At the end of this challenge (Dec. 30-31), submit a testimonial (fitness and/or financial) to share what you’ve learned, what changes you’ve made and your overall progress. I will choose 3 winners – 1 fitness, 1 financial and 1 honorable mention. Testimonials can either be posted in the group or submitted via e-mail (nobodybeatstheliz@gmail.com with “Testimonial” in the subject line). Please feel free to include before/after photos.

What are your goals for this challenge? Here are mine:
Physical Fitness Goals:
1. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day
2. Strength train at 2x a week in order to start toning up
3. Eat at least 2 of my 3 main meals of the day at home
Financial Fitness Goals:
1. Save $2,000 by Dec. 31
2. Spend no more than $5 a day on food (curb eating out!). I will create an “eating out” envelope with $35/wk – after the $ is gone, it’s gone! Whatever is left can be carried over to the next week.
3. Get to a credit score of 650 by Dec. 31

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